

“I have been receiving the monthly newsletter from SafeMoney.com for a while now. I relish going over the ideas and recommendations, which gives me many items to ponder that I hadn’t thought of yet about my retirement. Truly a jewel!”

Patty M.,
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX

“When I found safemoney.com, I found exactly what I was looking for. They educated me on the various products available and explained what each did and why they were either good or bad for me. If I hadn’t found safe money when I did, I know that my retirement would not be the same. Thank you safemoney.com for educating me on my retirement plan and keeping it safe for me and my family.”

Susan C.,
Raleigh, NC

“I needed to make a safe investment for income. I found the SafeMoney website and searched for a local representative. I was put in touch with a financial professional in the Grass Valley area of California. He, and his wife, spent a lot of time finding the right option for me. I met with them twice and we went over each line of the application, making sure I understood how it worked and the safety of my principal. It was a good fit and I am looking forward to a good financial outcome.”

Judy D.,

“SafeMoney.com changed my life. They helped me find the trusted advice I needed to build a plan that works for me. They made the entire process very easy and explained everything I needed to know before I made any decisions; I don’t worry about running out of income anymore and my kids will get everything that’s left. I would highly recommend you contact a Safe Money Advisor.”

Laurie D.,
Wilmington, DEL

Brent has a full and honest understanding of how annuities can benefit clients.

Charles C.,
Waukesha, Wisconsin

“We didn’t quite know what annuities were about. We had been to lots of different seminars before and the word would be mentioned and they would brush over it and go to something else. We find that different advisors financially had their own agenda of what they wanted to do with your money. We want to get out of speculation and into something more conservative and this made sense to me.”

Janice & John R.,
Warrenton, VA

Brent’s team of agents and advisors are among the best there is. He is a very bright and forthright individual who can do you a lot of good, so take the time to get to know him.”

George Brown,
Chalfont, PA

“Greg Bodoh came across as someone who thoroughly understood the needs of the older investor, the person who’s getting ready to retire. He was able to explain things. He kept it simple for me.”

John L.,
Warrenton, VA

“SafeMoney.com has helped me understand the importance of safety and income. With the information I gathered and meeting with one of their trusted advisors, I feel a lot better in knowing my income will last, no matter what.”

Barry G.,
Boise, ID

“My SafeMoney.com financial professional, Todd, was excellent and I highly recommend him as he is an expert in the financial field. In addition to myself, he has helped many members of my family and many friends. He can help you save money, as well as earn more on what you already have. I have not been disappointed.”

Ermalee M.B.,
Cherry Hill, NJ

“Brent of SafeMoney.com has a firm grip on the investment world. His advice has always been on point from the day that I met him. He has a deep knowledge of different programs available and was great at pointing me toward the right one. I highly recommend all of his services, feel free to contact me.”

Charlie C.,

“This year I got together again with Michael, my rep, and his wife. They helped me choose a different one as well as invest again with Athene. I am anxiously waiting for my first anniversary in July… with the first investment… to see my gains. We have become friends through our dealings.”

Judith D.,

“I found my answers on SafeMoneyAlternatives.com and I am so happy I did.”

Gladys M.,
Chicago, IL

“Retiring from the military; Safe Money has given me the advice that I needed. Thanks so much!!”

Kevin H.,

“Resourceful, knowledgeable, trustworthy.”

Lisa F.,
Big Pine Key, FL

Next Steps to Consider

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    Start a Conversation About Your Retirement What-Ifs

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    Stories from Others
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